Laxis for Founders

Laxis empowers founders to maximize every customer interaction and effortlessly scale their businesses. Automate lead generation and outreach to ensure you never miss a potential customer. Capture every detail of your customer conversations, generate actionable insights, and keep your CRM up-to-date seamlessly.

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The Problem

Founders face numerous challenges in scaling their businesses, from managing an efficient sales process to ensuring clear and effective communication within their teams. The demands of lead generation, client follow-ups, and maintaining detailed records can overwhelm even the most dedicated team, leading to missed opportunities and stunted growth.
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The Solution

Laxis is designed to be your ultimate copilot, streamlining operations, and enhancing productivity across your organization. Our AI-driven solutions automate routine tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions and business growth.
Automatic Note Taking Shot

Automatic Note Taking

Laxis AI Meeting Assistant automatically takes meeting notes for you so you can focus on the conversation instead of scrambling to take notes. Automates audio upload and issues AI-based smart summaries that can be distributed to the team.

Glean insights into customer sentiment quickly

You can add topics and keywords to your personalized meeting template, and Laxis Intelligent Meeting Assistant will use these data points to extract the relevant information from each conversation for you.

Insights and templates
AI Meeting Followups

AI meeting follow-up

Use Laxis AI Writer to automatically generate and distribute follow-up emails, meeting summaries, customer requirements, action items, and project updates.

Capture customer
conversation insight.
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